Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Poem Response

The Canadian's Home-Song Poem Response:

The poem, The Canadian’s Home-Song, gives a great and thorough description of Canada. The author uses a very unique rhyming scheme which effectively adds to the poem. The rhyming scheme for each paragraph is: A, B, C, B, D, B. The author, Duncan Campbell Scott, describes the weather, different types of trees, landscapes and animals in his poem. (For example: rain, wind, sparrows, lynx-cub, cedar, pine, etc.) He also mentioned snow-shoeing in his poem, which tells the reader that Canada has cold winters and a lot of snow. This helps to create an image for the reader. When I read the poem, I could picture Canada’s winter because of his great attention to detail. I chose this poem out of all the poems that we read because I think that the author describes Canada in a distinctive way that makes his poem stand out. I thought that the ending of the first and last paragraph (“To my own country” and “For my own country”) added a nice touch to the poem. He also added French to his poem, which demonstrated Canada’s culture and second language. Duncan Campbell Scott’s poem, The Canadian’s Home-Song, was a very unique and enjoyable poem to read.

Written By: Victoria Rochon

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